This short course is designed for individuals looking to develop a basic understanding of person-centred employment practice. The course will look at person-centred practice as it is applied in disability employment at both an individual and service provider level in Australia.
In this program we’ll cover:
- What is Person-Centred Practice (origins and background philosophy)
- Person-Centred Organisations
- The Consultant – Employer Interface. Understanding each other as partners in employment.
- Individual Practice Models – overview Customised Employment (CE) and Individual Place and Support (IPS).
This course is ideal for anyone looking to understand the basics and how they can be applied in practice. At the completion of this course participants will have an understanding of the origins of Person-Centred Practice, what makes a Person-Centred Service Provider and an understanding of disability employment practice models that will allow an informed discussion about which model is appropriate for your client cohorts and provider setting.
The knowledge obtained sets the groundwork for anyone interested in delivering person-centred employment practice. It establishes a baseline information set that allows for informed discussion of individual and servers provider needs. Families and parents undertaking this short course will obtain the information needed to develop employment support plans and have an informed discussion with NDIS planners, LACs and DES staff.
Further Development
Anyone interested din developing a detailed knowledge should look at further disability employment programs at CDERP College. A detailed understanding and training in Individual Place and Support can be found at:
More information on basic training in Customised Employment can be found at:
NDIS Research into Customised Employment
The NDIS commissioned research into employment interventions. To read about all interventions and CDERP’s Customised Employment follow this link:
CDERP Work FIrst Customised Employment Research and Work
Follow this link to NDIS-supported research carried out by the University of Melbourne partnership: