Conference 2025

Join us for the Customised Employment 2025 conference live. Held at Guide Dogs Victoria, 2-6 Chandler Highway, Kew, it will be the Customised Employment event of 2025. Add it to our annual Retreat in October; it will be a banner year for authentic Customised Employment!

Two days, eighteen sessions, fantastic discussions and a visit to the puppies!

This promises to be an exciting opportunity to explore all aspects of Customised Employment. You’ll hear from experts in the field and people with disabilities who are engaged in the processes. 

We’ll explore Customised Employment practice in different settings, such as DES, social enterprise, and the NDIS. We’ll examine practice elements such as engaging employers on a different professional level, hearing from participants, employers, practitioners, and researchers, exploring fidelity, accredited training, organisational fidelity, and how AI can improve CE and Discovery practices. We’ll look at the emerging Employment Counsellor role and have a peek into the future.

The complete program will be released in February. 

General Enquiries to:

Naming Rights: There is one opportunity to take on the naming rights, which will close on January 29th, 2025. Enquire directly with Dr Peter Smith at or 0427813840. Please note that the naming rights sponsor will need to display an affinity with Customised Employment and a commitment to advancing practice with fidelity to the evidence base.

Speaker, display, and sponsorship details can be discussed via email at or phone at Dr Peter Smith (0427813840).

Cancellation and Refund Policy: